Africa Zavala measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe, and bra size
Africa Zavala, a Mexican actress, who is famous throughout Mexico for her performances in television series 'Corona de Iagrimas' and 'La Maiquerida' for which she's been recognized in TVyNovelas for the Best Co-Star Actress Awards in 2013 as well as 2015. Africa is a woman born into a household of middle class in Mexico rose to fame through her dedication to. Africa took dance and personality training classes in her early years to prepare her for becoming famous and an actress. At 30, she has a stunning body and beautiful appearance. Her primary work was on Mexican television, however she also has worked on several films. She is now one of Mexico's most famous actresses, with a net-worth approximately one million dollars. When she was a renowned actress with many admirers with a full schedule she is now single. She prefers to keep her life as it is to further her career. Africa Zavala has a reputation for her ambition and will not let anything stop her from reaching her goals.
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